
ID *
Password * ※ The Password must be at least 5 characters long!
  • ※ If you are a member wishing to acquire qualifications, please make sure to enter this information.
회원등급 *
Name *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
E-mail *
Phone Number *
Address *
Educational Record


This is a translation of the Korean version of terms and conditions and the use of personal information of our Association, so there may be errors. If you have any questions, please send them to ‘’.

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1 [Purpose)
These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as ‘Terms and Conditions’) are between the Korean Christian Counseling Psychology Association (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Society’) and its customers (hereinafter referred to as ‘members’) for the Korean Christian Counseling Psychology Association service (http: The purpose is to specifically stipulate all matters related to membership conditions and use of //, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Society’ or ‘Service’) and other necessary matters.
Article 2 (Definition of Terms)
The definitions of terms used in these Terms and Conditions are as follows.
‘Member’ refers to a user who agrees to these terms and conditions and uses the service.
‘Use Agreement’ refers to all agreements concluded between the Society and its members in relation to the use of services, including these Terms and Conditions.
'User ID' refers to a unique combination of letters and numbers given by the Society to each member upon request by the member for identification and service use.
‘Password’ refers to a unique combination of letters and numbers set by a member and registered with the society in order to verify the identity of the member identified by the user ID.
‘Terminal’ refers to a computer device such as a personal computer, PDA, or mobile phone that a member uses to access the service.
‘Termination’ refers to the cancellation of the service agreement by the society or member.
Among the terms used in these Terms and Conditions, those not specified in Paragraph 1 shall be governed by relevant laws and service-specific guidance, and other than that, general practices shall apply.
Article 3 (Effectiveness and Change of Terms of Use)
These terms and conditions are published online through the Society and become effective with the consent of members and the Society's approval. If reasonable grounds arise, the Society may revise them to the extent that they do not violate relevant laws and regulations. The revised terms and conditions become effective when they are notified through the Society in accordance with due procedures.
Members must regularly visit the Society to check for changes to the Terms and Conditions. The Society is not responsible for any damages incurred by members due to lack of information about changed terms and conditions.
If a member does not agree to the changed terms and conditions, he or she may request withdrawal (cancellation) of membership.
Article 4 (Effectiveness and Change of Terms of Use)
If necessary, the Society may establish individual terms and conditions or operating principles (hereinafter referred to as ‘service-specific guidance’) for individual items within the service. If there is a conflict between these terms and conditions and the contents of the service-specific guidance, the contents of the service-specific guidance shall take precedence. and apply it.

Chapter 2 Conclusion of Use Agreement

Article 5 (Establishment of Use Agreement)
The service agreement is established when the user agrees to the terms of the service agreement and the society approves the application for use.
Agree to the service agreement by clicking the ‘Agree’ button on the application form at the time of application.
If a member does not agree to the changed terms and conditions, he or she may request withdrawal (cancellation) of membership.
Article 6 (Application for service use)
Users who wish to sign up as members and use the service must provide all information requested by the society (user ID, password, name, contact information, etc.).
All members must provide their own information to use the service, and members who have not registered their true information, such as by stealing other people's information or registering false information, have no rights in relation to the use of the service. cannot be claimed, and may be punished according to relevant laws.
You can only sign up for membership using your own true information, and the Society may take steps to verify the information registered by members. Members must actively cooperate with the Society's verification measures, and if they do not comply, the Society may treat the information registered by the member as fraudulent.
The society may classify members by level and differentiate use by subdividing usage time, number of uses, service menu, etc.
Article 7 (Protection and Use of Personal Information)
The Society strives to protect members’ personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. The protection and use of personal information is subject to relevant laws and the society's personal information protection policy. However, the society's privacy policy does not apply to linked sites other than the society's official site. In addition, members must thoroughly manage their passwords, etc., so that they are not exposed to others, and the Society is not responsible for information exposed due to reasons attributable to members.
The Society may provide members’ personal information to a third party to the extent permitted by law in the following cases.
When requested to provide information from an investigative agency or other government agency
When necessary for information protection work, such as confirmation of fraudulent activity, including violation of member laws or terms and conditions
When required by other laws
Article 8 (Approval and Restrictions on Application for Use)
In principle, the Society approves the use of the service in the order of application for applications pursuant to the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 if there is no disruption in business performance or technology.
The Society may withhold approval in the following cases.
In case of application for use without providing true information about the applicant
If the application is made for the purpose of violating the law or disrupting social well-being, order, and morals
If you wish to use this service for illegal purposes
If you wish to use this service for profit-making purposes
When a user in competition with the service applies
When applying from a user whose service agreement has been terminated due to violation of laws or terms and conditions
If an application is made in violation of other provisions
If an application for service use falls under any of the following items, the Society may withhold approval until the reasons for restricting approval are resolved.
When the academic society does not have enough facilities
If there is a technical problem with the academic society
When it is difficult to approve use due to other reasons attributable to the society
If the customer applying for use is a minor as defined in relevant laws and regulations, the Society may withhold approval in accordance with the guidelines for each service.
The Society may withdraw approval for use if a reason pursuant to each subparagraph of Paragraph 2 is discovered after completing the membership registration process.
Article 9 (Granting and changing user ID, etc.)
The Society grants user IDs to members in accordance with the terms and conditions.
In principle, user ID cannot be changed, and if you wish to change it due to unavoidable reasons, you must cancel the ID and re-register.
The society's user ID may be linked to the member ID of the site operated by the society or its own society with the member's consent.
The user ID may be changed or suspended at the member's request or at the Society's ex officio in any of the following cases.
If there is concern about privacy infringement because the user ID is registered as a phone number or resident registration number, etc.
If it causes disgust to others or goes against public morals and morals
If the name is the same as the name of the academic society, its service, or service operator, or if there is a risk of misidentification, etc.
If there are other reasonable reasons
Members are responsible for managing their user ID and password. The member is responsible for any damages resulting from the use of the service or illegal use by a third party that arises from negligent management, and the Society is not responsible for the same.
Matters related to the management and changes of other members’ personal information shall be governed by the guidance for each service.

Chapter 3 Obligations of Contracting Parties

Article 10 (Obligations of the Society)
The Society must allow members to use the service on the service start date desired by members, unless there are special circumstances.
In order to provide continuous and stable services, the Society will repair or restore equipment without delay when equipment is damaged or destroyed unless there are unavoidable reasons.
The Society establishes a security system to protect personal information and announces and complies with its personal information protection policy.
f an opinion or complaint raised by a member is objectively recognized as legitimate, the Society must immediately process it through appropriate procedures. However, if immediate processing is difficult, the member must be notified of the reason and processing schedule.
Article 11 (Member's Obligations)
When applying for membership or changing member information, members must fill out all information with their own true information based on facts. If they register false or someone else's information, they cannot claim any rights related thereto.
Members must comply with matters stipulated in the Terms and Conditions and other regulations and notices announced by the Society, as well as relevant laws and regulations, and shall not engage in any other acts that interfere with the work of the Society or damage the reputation of the Society. You must not do anything that causes harm to others.
If there is a change in the terms of the service agreement, such as address, contact information, or e-mail address, the member must immediately notify the society of this through the relevant procedures.
Members may not engage in business activities using the service without prior approval from the Society, and the Society is not responsible for the results of such business activities. In addition, if the society suffers damage due to such business activities, the member is obligated to compensate the society for damages, and the society may restrict the member's use of services and request compensation for damages through legal procedures.
Members may not transfer or gift the right to use the service or other status under the service agreement to another person or provide them as collateral without the explicit consent of the Society.
Members must not infringe on any rights, including intellectual property rights, of the Society or third parties, or engage in any acts falling under any subparagraph of Article 18.

Chapter 4 Use of Services

Article 12 (Service usage time)
In principle, service use is operated 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, unless there is a special problem with the society's business or technology. However, the Society may temporarily suspend services on days or times set by the Society for regular system inspection, expansion and replacement, and any temporary suspension of services due to scheduled work will be notified in advance through the Society.
In the event of unavoidable reasons such as urgent system inspection, expansion and replacement, equipment failure, surge in service use, national emergency, or power outage, the Society may cancel without prior notice.


This is a translation of the Korean version of terms and conditions and the use of personal information of our Association, so there may be errors. If you have any questions, please send them to ‘’.
The Korean Christian Counseling Psychology Association (hereinafter referred to as “the Society”) attaches great importance to the protection of users’ personal information, and personal information provided to the Society online while users use the Society’s services (hereinafter referred to as “Services”) We are doing our best to ensure that you are protected. Accordingly, the Society complies with the personal information protection regulations of relevant laws and regulations that information and communications service providers must comply with, such as the Communications Secrets Protection Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., and the personal information protection guidelines established by the Ministry of Information and Communication. there is. Through its privacy policy, the Society informs users of the purpose and method for which the personal information provided by them is being used and what measures are being taken to protect personal information. The Society is taking steps to ensure that users can easily view its personal information protection policy at all times by disclosing it on the first screen of its website.
The society's personal information protection policy may change from time to time due to changes in government laws and guidelines or changes in the society's internal policies, and the necessary procedures are established to continuously improve the personal information protection policy accordingly. In addition, when revising the personal information protection policy, the society announces the change in personal information protection policy through the society's bulletin board 7 days before the change is implemented and provides a version number and revision date so that users can easily recognize the revised information.
The personal information protection policy of the Korean Christian Counseling Psychology Association contains the following contents.
Consent to collection of personal information
Purpose of collection and use of personal information
Personal information items and collection methods collected by the society
Retention and use period of personal information collected by the society
Sharing and provision of personal information collected by the society
Matters related to the user’s personal information management (viewing, correction, deletion, etc.)
Matters pertaining to the operation of cookies
Technical and administrative measures related to personal information
Consignment processing of personal information
Matters related to collecting opinions and handling complaints regarding personal information
Matters pertaining to children's information protection
Affiliation-name and contact information of the society’s personal information manager and person in charge
Information on the Society’s Customer Center
duty of notice
a. Consent to collection of personal information
The society has established a procedure for users to click “Agree” to the contents of the society’s personal information protection policy or terms of use. By clicking the “Agree” button, you are deemed to have consented to the collection of personal information.
b. Purpose of collection and use of personal information
“Personal information” refers to information about a living individual that can identify the individual by name, resident registration number, etc. included in the information (even if the information alone cannot identify a specific individual, it can be combined with other information) (including those that can be easily combined and identified).
Most Korean Psychological Associations can be used at any time without separate user registration. However, the Society collects users' personal information in order to provide better quality services, including customized services, to users through membership services (login-based services currently being provided or to be provided in the future).
The Society does not disclose users' personal information without the users' prior consent, and the collected information is used as follows.
more useful services can be developed based on the personal information provided by users. When developing new services or expanding content, the Society more efficiently sets priorities for services to be developed based on the personal information provided to the Society by existing users, and the Society rationally selects the content that users will need. We can provide it.
most of the various information and services provided by the society are free. The society is posting advertisements to provide these free services. Based on accurate personal information about users, it can deliver advertisements and content appropriately for each service or menu, which ultimately serves as a way for the society to provide its users. It has value as another piece of information. The Society only receives advertisements from advertisers and displays advertisements according to the type of users the advertisers are trying to target, and never shows or provides users' personal information to advertisers.
the purpose of each collection of information is as follows.
Name (Korean, English, Chinese characters), resident registration number, ID, password, identity verification questions and answers: identity identification to process complaints arising from service use, real name verification through a credit rating agency, provision of age restriction services
ID, resident registration number, : Providing use of age-restricted services and preventing recurrence of fraudulent use by delinquent members
Email address, phone number: Securing communication channels such as delivering notices, confirming one’s intention, and handling complaints.
Address, phone number: Securing the correct delivery address when delivering bills or goods
Resident registration number, address: Demographic analysis
Name of affiliated organization, position, degree earned, major experience, affiliated local academic society, notes: Obtain information necessary for academic service
Other optional items: Materials to provide personalized service
IP Address, date and time of visit: Prevention of fraudulent use by delinquent members and prevention of unauthorized use
Resident registration number, phone number (landline, mobile phone), existing ID (ID) password: Confirmation of intention to join, limit registration and number of registrations
Personal information items and collection methods collected by the Korean Christian Counseling Psychology Association
When users sign up as members to use membership services, the society receives essential information for service provision online. The essential information you receive when registering as a member is your name, resident registration number, and email address. In addition, in order to provide quality service, we ask users to enter phone numbers, etc. as optional information.
Additionally, we may request selective input of personal information for statistical analysis or prize provision during surveys or events within the academic society. However, we do not collect sensitive personal information (race and ethnicity, ideology and creed, place of origin and domicile, political inclination and criminal record, health status and sexual life, etc.) that may infringe on the user's basic human rights, and if collection is unavoidable, the user We will definitely seek their prior consent. And, in any case, the information you enter will not be used for any purpose other than the purpose previously disclosed to users, and will not be leaked to outside parties.
Advertisers who post advertisements at academic conferences or websites linked to various directories such as search engines may collect personally identifiable information about users. We would like to inform you that this “Korean Psychological Association Personal Information Protection Policy” does not apply to the collection of personal information by websites linked to the Korean Psychological Association.
d. Retention and use period of personal information collected by the Korean Christian Counseling Psychology Association
While users use the services provided to the society as members of the society, the society continues to retain users' personal information and uses it to provide services. However, information that has been deleted or modified by the member in accordance with the procedures and methods described in "F. Matters related to the management of the user's own personal information (viewing, correction, deletion, etc.)" below, or if cancellation of membership is requested, can be reproduced. It will be completely deleted from the disk by any means and will be processed in such a way that it cannot be viewed or used in the future.
And as in "C. Personal information items and collection methods collected by the society," personal information received for temporary purposes (surveys, events, identity verification, etc.) cannot be reproduced in the same way after the purpose has been achieved. It is processed as status.
In principle, your personal information will be destroyed once the purpose of collection or provision of personal information is achieved as follows. However, in order to prevent the recurrence of illegal use by delinquent members, the Society may retain the member's resident registration number for one year from the date of termination of the service agreement. In addition, if preservation is necessary in accordance with the provisions of related laws such as the Commercial Act and the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., the Society stores member information for a certain period of time specified in the relevant laws. In this case, the society uses the information stored by the society (one of the Society.. is deleted because it is duplicated) for the purpose of storage only, and the retention period is as follows.
Records on contracts or subscription withdrawals, etc.: 5 years
Records of payment and supply of goods, etc.: 5 years
Records of consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years
The Society safely handles valuable member personal information and destroys personal information through the following methods to prevent leakage.
Personal information printed on paper is destroyed by shredding or incineration.
Personal information stored in the form of electronic files is deleted using technical methods that render the records unrecoverable.
e. Sharing and provision of personal information collected by the Korean Christian Counseling Psychology Association
The Society uses users’ personal information within the scope notified in “B. Purpose of collection and use of personal information,” and does not use the user’s personal information beyond this scope or, in principle, disclose the user’s personal information to outside parties without the user’s prior consent. Do not. However, exceptions are made in the following cases.
When users consent to disclosure in advance
When necessary to settle fees for service provision
Disclosing personal information in order to take legal action against others by causing mental or material damage using the academic society.
When there are sufficient grounds to believe that something should be done
When it is judged in good faith that it is required by other laws (e.g. when there is a request from the government/investigative agency through legal procedures in accordance with relevant laws, etc.)
When information is provided to advertisers, partners, or research organizations in a form that does not identify specific individuals for statistical purposes, academic research, or market research.
In order to process complaints and inquiries (civil complaints) related to the user's use of the service, personal information necessary for processing such complaints is provided to a professional company that operates a customer center in Pa. Port.
Information may be provided to a consignment company for services such as events and prize winnings. In this case, if the customer's prior consent is obtained by specifying the type of information required, use purpose, period, etc. (For more information regarding consignment, please refer to "Korea Provided by “Consumer Advertising Psychology Association Customer Center Guide”)
Additionally, the Society may share users' personal information to develop new technologies or provide better services. In this case as well, before collecting or providing information, we go through the process of informing users who the agency or organization that will share their personal information with, what information is needed and why, and how and for how long it will be protected and managed, and asking for their consent. Without their consent, we will not arbitrarily collect or share additional information.
Even when posting or sending advertisements to groups based on gender, age, or other specific conditions, users' personal information is not provided to individuals or companies that have requested advertisements, and even when necessary for statistical processing, academic research, or market research, specific individuals are not provided. Information is provided only in de-identified form.
f. Matters related to the user’s personal information management (viewing, correction, deletion, etc.)
Users can view or modify their registered personal information at any time using the society's websiUsers must go through a procedure to confirm their intention to subscribe to create their first ID, and can select one of the following methods to confirm their intention to subscribe: SMS, landline phone call, or public certificate. If you later create an additional ID, you can confirm your intention to join using the password of your existing ID. Additionally, users can set a ban on creating additional IDs, and if additional IDs are needed, they can turn off the ban on ID creation.
In order to view and modify users' personal information, you can log in using your ID and password in the society menu. All input information except ID, resident registration number, and name can be modified. Additionally, if you have forgotten your password, click "Forgot Password" at the bottom of the member login menu and enter the information required to verify your identity according to the instructions in the customer center. After verifying your identity, you will receive a temporary password via email or landline. We will notify you or you can change your password immediately.
You can request membership through "Other - Q&A" on the website of the society you are joining, or you can cancel your membership after verifying your identity through a landline phone call.
g. Matters pertaining to the operation of cookies
In order to provide specialized customized services to users, the society uses 'cookies' to store users' information and retrieve it from time to time. Cookies are a small amount of information that the server (HTTP) used to run the website sends to the user's computer browser and are sometimes stored on the hard disk of the user's PC computer.
After accessing the society, users must allow cookies in order to log in (LOG-IN) and use services such as member services and the society. The society uses cookies to find information about IDs in order to provide users with more appropriate and useful services. Cookies identify your computer but do not personally identify you.
Cookie storage information includes ID, secure access status, etc. Cookies are used to identify visitation and usage patterns, popular search terms, and user size for each service and website of the society visited by users. We can create and provide convenient services and provide optimized information to users. Users can choose whether or not to use cookies. By setting options in your web browser, you can allow all cookies, confirm each time a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies. However, if you refuse to store cookies, you will not be able to use some of the society's services that require login.
h. Technical and administrative measures related to personal information
When handling users' personal information, the Society is taking the following technical measures to ensure safety and prevent personal information from being lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged.
Users' personal information is thoroughly protected by password. Only the individual knows the password of the society member ID, and personal information can only be checked or changed by the individual who knows the password. Therefore, users should not disclose their password to anyone. To this end, the Society basically recommends that you log out online and close the web browser after finishing using the PC. In particular, if you share a PC with others or use it in a public place (e.g. academic conference, school, library, internet game room, etc.), the above procedures will be even more necessary to prevent your personal information from becoming known to others.
The Society is doing its best to prevent members' personal information from being leaked or damaged by hacking or computer viruses. In preparation for damage to personal information, data is backed up on a regular basis, and the latest antivirus program is used to prevent users' personal information or data from being leaked or damaged. Personal information can be transmitted safely over the network through encrypted communication, etc. I'm doing it. We control unauthorized access from the outside using an intrusion prevention system, and strive to equip all possible technical devices to systematically ensure security.
The society's staff handling personal information is limited to the person in charge, and a separate password is provided for this purpose and updated regularly. Compliance with the society's personal information protection policy is always emphasized through regular training for the person in charge. In addition, through an in-house personal information management organization, we check the implementation of the Korean Psychological Association's personal information protection policy and whether the person in charge complies with it, and if any problems are discovered, we strive to immediately correct them. However, the Society is not responsible for any problems arising from leakage of personal information such as ID, password, or resident registration number due to the user's carelessness or Internet problems.
i. Consignment processing of personal information
In order to improve services, the Society may entrust the processing of users' personal information to an external professional company. If we entrust the processing of personal information, we will notify users in advance. In addition, through consignment contracts, etc., we clearly stipulate compliance with the service provider's personal information protection instructions, confidentiality of personal information, prohibition of provision to third parties, and liability in the event of an accident, and store the contract details in writing or electronically.
j. Matters related to collecting opinions and handling complaints regarding personal information
The Society collects users' opinions regarding personal information protection and is preparing all procedures and methods to handle complaints. Users can report complaints by phone or email by referring to the "Affiliation of personal information manager and person in charge of other academic societies - name and contact information" specified at the bottom, and the academic society will promptly and promptly respond to users' reports. We will give you a sufficient answer.
Alternatively, you can apply for complaint handling to the following organizations established and operated by the government.
Personal Dispute Mediation Committee ( / 1336)
Information Protection Mark Certification Committee ( / (02) 580-0533~4)
Supreme Prosecutors' Office Cyber Crime Investigation Team ( / (02) 3480-3573)
National Police Agency Cyber Terror Response Center ( / (02) 392-0330)
k. Matters pertaining to children's information protection
Under current law, children under the age of 14 must fully understand the purpose of collection and use of personal information and obtain consent from their legal representative before sending personal information to others online. Accordingly, the society explains the above matters through the membership terms and conditions and service usage rules, and always checks whether parental (legal representative) consent has been obtained at the time of registration. The society confirms consent through a landline phone call from a legal representative or a public certificate. The collected names, resident registration numbers, email addresses, and phone numbers of the child's parents (legal representatives) will be used only to confirm consent and later verify the identity of the parents (legal representatives). Parents (legal representatives) of children under the age of 14 may request to view, correct, or withdraw consent to the child's personal information. If such a request is made, the Society will take necessary measures without delay.
l. Korean Christian Counseling Psychology Association Personal Information Manager and Affiliation of Person in Charge - Name and Contact Information
The Society is doing its best to ensure that you can use good information safely. If an incident occurs that goes against the provisions notified to you regarding the protection of personal information, the personal information manager will be responsible.
The user is responsible for maintaining the security of the ID and password related to the user's personal information. The Society does not directly ask users about their passwords in any way, so please be especially careful to prevent your password from being leaked to others. In particular, as specified in the section "A. Technical and management measures related to personal information," you must be especially careful when accessing online in a public place. The society has designated a personal information manager and person in charge of collecting opinions and handling complaints regarding personal information, and their contact information is as follows.
Personal information manager
Name: Kim Jung-su
Affiliation / Position: Korean Christian Counseling Psychology Association / Secretary General
Phone number: 1544-3574

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